
  • Annisa Firdauzi Brawijaya University
  • Agustina Shinta Hartanti Wahyuningtyas Brawijaya University
  • Riyanti Isaskar Brawijaya University



Agrotourism, Brand Positioning, Competitive Landscape, PCA, Resort Hotel, RGA, UGC


Starting from 2009-2018 there has been an increase in the number of hotel resorts in Indonesia, so that the level of competition is higher and building a brand positioning agrotourism-based resort hotels can not only by creating regular marketing campaigns. The study used review data from online platforms This study reveals the brand positioning of resort hotels and mapping the competitive landscape with the UGC approach to identifying the competing attributes of resort hotels in Bali. This study detects brand attributes using customer preferences as well as perceptual performance. Therefore, this study combines content analysis (UGC) and repertory grid (RGA) to answer research objectives. 13,784 customer reviews of the six best beach resort hotels in Bali are used to explore and visualize the competitive landscape. Sample determination techniques in this study using non-probability sampling approach. The findings of this study, identified the dominant agrotourism attributes in Bali are view and garden. This study detected that 66.67% of hotel resorts in Bali have asymmetric competitive model competition. Hotel resorts in Bali is mostly competing on PC1 which is a basic hotel offer. This research not only recommends competing for attributes to strengthen brand positioning in customers' minds but also competes with optimal allocation of hotel resort resources.

Author Biography

Annisa Firdauzi, Brawijaya University

I am a postgraduate student majoring in agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University. I have an interest in agribusiness management, marketing and agribusiness communication


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How to Cite

Firdauzi, A., Wahyuningtyas, A. S. H., & Isaskar, R. (2021). AGROTOURISM DEVELOPMENT OF MAPPING BRAND POSITIONING AND COMPETITVE LANDSCAPE: UGC (USER GENERATED CONTENT) APPROACH. Agricultural Socio-Economics Journal, 21(1), 65–78.




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